Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We'll get through this all

I know that since the heartbreaking passing of Aunt Debbie, everything seems like this family has been in a tailspin and can't seem to pull out of it, but just remember that it will all get better I truly believe that God has a plan for all of us. He takes the suffering when they call to him. I've seen it many of times working in the hospital. Our life lessons are the things that we need to cherish and embrace and I think that loosing your loved ones is part of our life lessons we learn compassion for people we might not have known we had. I know that with the loss of Aunt Debbie, Grandma, and in a way Daysha good has come and will continue to come. Loosing Aunt Debbie started to bring our family back together, something she has always tried to do since the first year Grandpa passed away. I remember she use to have family get-to-gethers at her house all the time. It also brought her kids closer and forgiveness was given and accepted. With Grandma brought the opportunity for her kids and grandkids to take care of her, she was showered with love and grace in her final days. This is a gift that every parents fears for their kids but secretly loves. No parent wants to burden their kids with death, it's hard as it is already. But to return the love of shelter, warmth, kisses, hugs, and LOVE we were all given by our parents is an emotion that is truly to hard to put into words. Think how lucky we all were to give that gift especially for those who lived at my moms and did it day in and day out. Also the heart break of Daysha, please don't frown on this as a loss of our sweet, fun, forever busy niece. Think of it as a blessing, her mom will finally get the help she needs, and Daysha and Chealsie will have a chance in this world. For to long did some of the kids in our family have to watch their parents move from home to home, watch them loose jobs, money, going with out, frivolous spending habits on what seems to corrupt this world and our family (drugs). We as the kids who went through it should not want to do the same to our own kids. Jesse and I are trying our best to become foster parents so we can bring Daysha home with us until my sister and Daysha can start to live a healthy life again. This is a beginning for our family, for every death is a new birth well let our new birth be that the Quigley family become closer again. Let us live in joy and happiness. We have to start somewhere, don't let the loss of Aunt Debbie and Grandma be our demise, let it be our strength. Don't let fear get to you about Daysha please think and embrace the opportunity it will give her and her mother.

I love our family lets pull through and let our family shine.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Things are going to work out

Randy, I read your post and I know is heart breaking what has happened. I truly believe things are going to work out. We have two wonderful angels up there watching out for all of us. I don't believe that God (or Mom or Grandma) would allow for one minute for our dear little Daysha to be gone from us for long.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hay all how is everyone doing? Im doing well. There is still a lot of things in our family that needs to be taking care of . We need to get Daysha back. It will never be the same if we dont . I pray to God we will find a way. Pam i love you so much , we will get through this the Lord will see to it .
Love Randy

Angel's poem to grandma♥♥♥♥

The wind is like life, it blows by faster than you think and every time you blink a new life starts. Not everyone gets to go that far. Sometimes I wonder how many people are gone, no matter what life must go on. It doesn't matter if it means people die, mo matter what you still know why. No matter what people say because you know that you will see them again someday.

~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~I LOVE YOU GRANDMA~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~