Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How much you are both missed...

So I just posted this picture on my mom's blog and thought it should be on Grandma's too. I love this picture, thanks Amber for sharing it. I cannot believe that this was just taken just a few years ago. How much time has changed. Now they are both gone, forever. But they are now forever together.

One of my last phone conversations with my mom, about a week before her accident, she was complaining about how Grandma was fighting with her (mom's) counselor over some stupid mis-understanding. They had been both been at the shop. Well, just minutes after this conversation, my mom's counselor came in to the shop. Grandma was already fired up and pulled out the bull - whip and chased her out of the shop. I don't remember the details of the end of the story, but just found it funny that these two women were the best of friends, mother and daughter and constantly aruging.

That is how I imagine them now. Up with Jesus in Heaven, and arguing. I miss them both so much, but I am at peace with the fact that they are together...and arguing... over who got more flowers at their service, who got more attention, who made more people cry... This is how they were.

I would give anything to have them back here with me, but I know that is not going to happen. Just when I think I have healed some, the tears are back. Happy tears in a way... Knowing Grandma is not suffering here on Earth anymore and that they are together, forever and this is how it should be.

Mom's headstone is ordered and will have Grandma's birth date and date of death on it. This will be in place in about 5 - 6 weeks. I will post pictures once it is done. Thanks to Crystal and Kelly for taking care of this.

I love you both! I miss you too. Keep watch over us all. We are hurting and need your blessings.

1 comment:

"Jo" in many sizes said...

I didn't know either your gram or your mom, but I can picture some poor angel holding the two of them apart, like arguing siblings...You paint a picture of them so well, I feel like I knew them.