Sunday, March 30, 2008

I just wanted to say how much i miss my mom.Its been almost 2 weeks sence she has passed and i still feel like i should be home taking care of her. Its so hard to beleave shes gone i just pray shes in a better place. There will be an empty place in my heart now. Im so glad i got to spend as much time with her as i did.Im still having a hard time with the whole all happend so fast my uncle Frank,my sis Deb and then my mom. As time passes it will get better but it will never be the same. One thing i would like to say is how much i love Janda and Crystal for all thay have done we would be at a loss with out you thank you both. Love Randy


Zoei said...

Randy, I am so glad you are joining us in this blog. I know how hard it is to lose your mom and this has been a really good way to help to deal with some of those emotions, at least for me. I am so proud of you and the changes you are making in your life. I love you!

Unknown said...

Randy, hey with all that has been going on in our little lives you're holding up well. I'm glad you were able to post to the blog, I don't know how it feels to loose your mom but I do know that I sure miss grandma.